Food delivery by bike?

In its forecast[1] for the online food delivery market, expects a turnover of around 2.4 billion euros for Germany alone in 2021. A lion's share of this is accounted for by the restaurant-to-customer delivery segment with just under two billion euros this year. The focus is therefore no longer on food deliveries by providers specialising in this, such as pizza delivery services, but on food from the popular and hip addresses in the city. These restaurants work with service providers who bundle ordering and payment via their platforms and take care of the delivery logistics. The annual growth in online food delivery expected by is 5.9 percent. This means that in 2024, the market volume will total more than 2.8 billion euros. Delivery by cargo bike will probably also play an increasing role in the coming years.

[1] Quelle:

Does the future of food logistics have two and three wheels?

The appetite for online food ordering stems mainly from the comfort and convenience it offers consumers. More than 20 million people will use such online delivery services this year, according to With the restrictions of the Corona pandemic, this number could be even higher. This is because in times of lockdown, restaurant-goers are unable to visit their favourite eateries and therefore look online for a replacement. The longer the second and possible further lockdowns go on, the more entrenched the new eating and ordering habits become. But why should delivery bikes and cargo bikes - for example from VSC.Bike - play such an important role in the future? Simply because they offer efficient, powerful and flexible transport options in the urban environment. Because: The huge demand presents the delivery platform providers with logistical challenges. What counts is speed. After all, the food that has just been prepared should be warm and fresh when it reaches the customer's table. But short delivery times are anything but easy to guarantee in an urban environment with conventional means.

Bikes with Pendix drive as efficient means of transport

Many food deliveries are made to busy city centres, residential areas, environmental zones or traffic-calmed areas. Here, it is not only difficult for classic delivery cars to get around, but there are also often no stopping or parking facilities. A transport bike from VSC.Bike, for example, makes it easier for the delivery person.  Even in very heavy traffic, bicycles often reach their destination quickly. For the delivery service, this means that the goods arrive on time, fresh and still warm. Because even if many online services set themselves a delivery deadline of just under half an hour - sometimes the times just can't be kept. But especially with a cargo bike or e-bike - for example with a Pendix drive - drivers can move quickly, deliver fast and thus make an important contribution to customer satisfaction. And customer satisfaction is an important economic factor in times of online ratings. That's why resourceful delivery services are constantly developing their logistics. In addition to the intelligent app for the fastest route planning and the automated request for the nearest driver, the agile, manoeuvrable and space-saving bicycle fleet can also be a central criterion for success.

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