Cycling pays off!
Cycling is good for you: it prevents lack of exercise, promotes blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and relieves the heart. At the same time, cyclists can escape the confines of public transport and thus protect themselves from potential corona viruses.
Furthermore, cycling has an important economic significance. According to a study by the Federal Environment Agency from March 2021, a kilometre cycled costs Germans a mere 0.36 cents - in contrast to 5.66 euros per kilometre driven by car. This calculation includes, for example, the expense caused by greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions as well as noise emissions. This is because the environmental consequences of driving can have a negative impact on health and, constant noise, for example, can lead to stress in people. Emissions also cause damage to buildings or materials in cities. The calculation also takes into account whether a vehicle requires fuel and what costs are incurred through the construction of roads.
Company bikes promote the corporate image
Doubts about car-only use are also growing in companies. Many management teams recognise the benefits of employees pedalling and support the purchase of company bikes. "Bike instead of company car" is the motto. Regular bike use is not only practical for shorter distances and transport, it can also reduce health costs. Cyclists are usually absent less often and the management is happy about more productivity.
Companies can save taxes within the framework of a bike lease. In addition, the private use of a company bike for employees in Germany is completely exempt from taxes and social security contributions as of 2019. If you want to get even more involved as a boss, you can pay your cycling staff the entry fee for race participation. Then the company reaps additional social prestige and possibly has a plus point with future job applicants. Particularly courageous company leaders take the online test "How bike-friendly is my company?“.
Support from the health insurance funds
The German health insurance funds have recognised the trend and support the switch to the bike with various campaigns. In the BARMER bike bonus challenge, for example, kilometres cycled can be converted into bonuses. Participants in this year's tour cycled a total of 570,666 kilometres, which corresponds to around 14 circumnavigations of the globe. In addition, the AOK has been supporting a healthy outward and return journey to work for 19 years with its "Cycle to Work" campaign. During the campaign period, cyclists must cycle at least 20 days. And those who cycle for the Techniker Krankenkasse can also hope to win prizes.
Biking for new bike service stations
Deutsche Bahn also rewards cycling: as part of the "DB Rad+" app campaign, kilometres travelled are converted into credit that can be redeemed at participating shops around the station. Each kilometre has an equivalent value of ten cents. The value of this campaign is that not only individuals benefit, but that cycled kilometres are also collected on a community account of the city. If enough kilometres are collected, Deutsche Bahn will set up new bicycle-friendly concepts on site, for example a bicycle service station.
Do you want to promote your health or that of your staff, save money and do something for your environment? Why not take an individual cargo bike for a spin? You can arrange your personal test ride here.